MSP430 Tutorial v0.4 – Flash Memory

Flash is currently the nonvolatile storage of choice for microcontrollers. Fast and reprogrammable, it replaces the ROM devices of the past and enables field software upgrades that are essential for every product. Because of the importance of understanding the underlying flash, I have added it as a new chapter in my MSP430 tutorial. Granted, there are more topics and example code to be used, but the information in the tutorial is good to get a start.

As always, comments are more than welcome.


12 thoughts on “MSP430 Tutorial v0.4 – Flash Memory

  1. Thank you very much for writing this tutorial. Its been very helpful for a complete beginner like myself. Your comment about reading TI’s documentation is good advice that should be followed.

  2. Hi,Gustavo!
    Excellent tutorials, congratulations. I don’t know nothing about MCU, I started again to study electronics and I have the kit usb eZ430 (with the Msp430F2013), and you help me very much,thanks! But I have some issues if you can be help me, I’m very gratefull, here in Brazil is very dificult found someone which work with Msp430( everybody just talk about of the Arduino).
    So, I would like Know how I work with my Msp in the Stand-Alone, on the Breadboard and to use the others pins,already which we have 14 pins for access.
    Ah, I can’t to erase the Flash memory, have with errors, sorry by incovenience,Thanks!

  3. Hi Gustavo,

    This is a excellent tutorial. Thank you very much. It helped me a lot. If it’s possible I would like to see a chapter on I2C.

    Kind Regards

  4. I found there is a mistake in the MSP430 tutorial v 0.4, which is shown on the page of 13. When you transfer the Hex to the Bin, in the Table 3.3, the 0x1F
    is represented by 1 1111 other than 11 1111 that is given wrongly in the table.

    Thank you for this tutorial, it does help me a lot.
    Sincerely, have a good one!

  5. Dear Sir,
    I am fan of you sir.. your msp430 tutorial is superb.. I have a problem sir, would you share ADC Code for MSP430f2131 with me. I have a example code written by TI developer but It is not working for me. please sir can you mail me Slope ADC code at
    I simulated this code with Proteus 7.8 but I could not get result. code compiled with CCS v5


    #define VCC_VALUE (2980) // Actual system VCC (mV)
    volatile unsigned int ADCResult; // volatile to prevent opt.

    void Init_Sys(void); // Function prototypes
    unsigned int Meas_ADC(void);
    unsigned int Meas_ADC2(void);

    int main(void)
    Init_Sys(); // Init system peripherals
    P1DIR = 0xFF;
    while (1)
    ADCResult = Meas_ADC(); // Measure ADC
    //P1OUT = ~P1OUT;
    // P1OUT = ADCResult;
    } // And read out 'ADCResult'
    // Initialize System Peripherals
    void Init_Sys(void)
    // P2OUT = 0x20; // P2.5 high
    P2DIR = 0x21; // P2.0 = DAC, P2.5 powers pot
    CACTL2 = P2CA0 + P2CA1; // Setup CA, P2.3+ P2.4-

    if (CALBC1_8MHZ==0xFF) // If calibration constants erased
    while(1); // do not load, trap CPU!!

    DCOCTL = 0; // Select lowest DCOx and MODx settings
    BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_8MHZ; // Set range
    DCOCTL = CALDCO_8MHZ; // Set DCO step + modulation
    // Measure A/D Converter, return offset-compensated result
    unsigned int Meas_ADC(void)
    unsigned int Result;

    CACTL1 = CAON; // Comparator on
    Result = Meas_ADC2(); // Do 1st ADC conversion
    CACTL1 |= CAEX; // Invert comparator terminals
    Result += Meas_ADC2(); // 2nd ADC, add inverted result
    CACTL1 = 0; // Comparator off

    return Result;
    // A/D Converter Helper Function
    // Attn: The loop cycle count has to be equal for both decision paths
    // of the if() statement, otherwise the measurement result will
    // not be accurate. It has been found with IAR V5.51.1, that the
    // code below will implement this, even independent of the
    // C compiler optimization settings. Another approach would be
    // implementing the entire function in assembly language.
    unsigned int Meas_ADC2(void)
    unsigned int Counter = VCC_VALUE / 2;
    unsigned int Result = 0;

    P2OUT |= 0x01; // Set power to capacitor
    while (!(CACTL2 & CAOUT)); // Wait for CAOUT to get set

    if (CACTL2 & CAOUT) // Comparator high/low?
    P2OUT &= ~0x01; // Remove power if high
    P2OUT |= 0x01; // Set power if low
    Result++; // Measure the 'ON' time
    _NOP(); // Timing adjustment
    } while (–Counter); // Decrement and loop

    P2OUT &= ~0x01;
    return Result;
    } // Remove power from cap
    //P1OUT = ~P1OUT;

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